J Brandon Foster J Brandon Foster

Feeling Down? Get Your Hands Around a Barbell!

There is no doubt that exercise, particularly lifting weights is the most underrated anti-depressant on the planet. It took me 39 years and a good friend to finally convince me that my seasonal “blues” were nothing more than me not moving my body to its full potential. Are you depressed, feeling blue, or just feel “off”. Go get your hands around a barbell. You’ll be glad you did.

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J Brandon Foster J Brandon Foster

Are You An Imposter?

Imposter Syndrome keeps so many of us from doing what we know we can. Most of the time we are afraid of criticism or being exposed as a fraud. There are strategies to battling imposter syndrome.

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J Brandon Foster J Brandon Foster

From the Top

I come from a small town in south east Texas. I had a rather normal childhood with one very large exception. I lost my best friend and cousin tragically the weekend before we started first grade. That kind of trauma is tough to comprehend as one of your life’s first core memories.

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