I Got Tired Of Feeling Like Sh*t - A Fresh Look At Ditching Alcohol For Good

How familiar is this story? It’s Monday morning, time for the grind again.  You wake up to maybe do a few pushups but, let’s be honest, you aren’t really feeling like it after the weekend you had.  So you go to work, feeling maybe 72%, and convince yourself you’re giving your best effort.  And one thing is for dang sure… You’re not going to drink when you get home.  Maybe you hold up after work, but maybe there’s a happy hour! NO… I’ve got to feel productive tomorrow!  


Or maybe you’re more like me.  You’re the professional who keeps it in the fairway Monday - Friday, but once the clock strikes 5 on Friday it’s time to make up for lost time.  You hide behind “hanging with the boys” or whatever social event you have planned for that weekend.  But you overdo it… you often do… and tomorrow you’re back to Feeling Like Sh*t. 

You’re tired, and honestly you’ve been tired for years, but drinking on the weekend (or even more often) is just a part of life.  You couldn’t honestly think about living a life without alcohol. 

Could you?

This is my story.  This is (was) my life.  I wanted more. 

I Got Tired of Feeling Like Sh*t.  

This book is dedicated to the many of us out there that want to re-evaluate our relationship with Alcohol. This is my journey that led up to me quitting alcohol for good. People need to understand that it’s OK to quit drinking and not have to be labeled an “alcoholic” or an “addict”. What if there are those of us out there that just want to maximize our full potential in life, and alcohol no longer lines up with our goals?

This book is for us.

Your Go-To Book On Sober Living

In this book, I call it a “fresh look on ditching alcohol for good”.  There is no doubt there is a movement where many are reevaluating their relationship with drinking.  Many people just don’t know where to start, they don’t know what those first few days, months, even years, will look like.  So they just don’t bother.  

This book is for you.

Why do I want to eat everything in sight (especially sugar) when I first cut alcohol out of my life?  How do I cope with traveling for work, or vacation for the first time?  

This book is for you. 

Can I still be fun, have fun, participate in fun?  Will my friends keep me around or kick me to the curb?  Will my wife / husband support me?  

All real fears!  

This book is for you.

  • In today's world, alcohol plays an almost inescapable role, influencing social, cultural, and individual aspects of our lives. While moderate alcohol consumption can be part of social interactions and celebrations, it’s also becoming widely known that moderation is difficult for most and downright impossible for others.

    Alcohol often serves as a social lubricant, promising connections and shared experiences. Sometimes with complete strangers! However, excessive drinking can contribute to strained relationships, impaired judgment, and legal issues. The societal norms around drinking can create challenges for those seeking to quit. Many people feel trapped and are desperately looking for something different.

    Understanding the impact of alcohol on personal well-being is vital. From physical health concerns such as liver damage, weight gain and diabetes, to the potential impact on mental health, recognizing the reasons to quit can empower individuals to prioritize their overall well-being.

    Alcohol will ALWAYS be ingrained in our world. Recognizing its multifaceted role is essential. The decision to quit is a personal journey that requires understanding the social, cultural, and individual implications. By acknowledging how complex a relationship it is, it’s possible to embark on a journey toward a healthier and more fulfilling life.

  • Embracing an alcohol-free lifestyle is a transformative journey that involves intentional choices and a transformed mindset. Remember, living alcohol-free is a journey, not a destination. The reward is in doing the hard things. This is an incredibly fruitful and wonderful life!

  • Think about the transformative power of an alcohol-free lifestyle across your professional, personal and fitness lifestyle. Professionally, clarity of mind enhances decision-making and productivity. It can be put as simply as this: Waking up without a hangover is the equivilant of a superpower. Elevate your career by leveraging newfound focus. If you’re a fitness buff, you can bid farewell to empty calories and welcome increased energy, boosting your workouts and overall well-being. Personally, embrace meaningful connections, as sobriety fosters genuine relationships. Elevate your life by replacing alcohol with enriching experiences, and growing in your career, fitness, and personal life. This journey is about reaching new heights and unlocking your full potential. The absence of alcohol becomes the catalyst for a more vibrant, accomplished, and fulfilled life.

  • On this alcohol free journey, you’ll begin to build connections with like-minded individuals embracing an alcohol-free lifestyle. But it’s also important (at least to me) to keep hanging out with your friends who don’t have the same relationship with alcohol as you. It’s important to build a supportive community that celebrates shared goals without judgment. You can organize social gatherings with non-alcoholic options, or join a fitness community. I’ve chosen to maintain open communication with friends who still drink, emphasizing your shared commonalities. By bridging the gap, you contribute to a community that respects individual decisions and creates an environment where curiosity is encouraged. After all, you never know when a friend will Get Tired of Feeling Like Sh*t, and reach out to you for some guidance.

Buy The Book Today

I made a life changing decision on 2/22/22 (Twosday) to give up drinking alcohol for 1 year.  No negotiations, no caving, no excuses. During that year, I learned so much about myself, and longed for continued growth living an alcohol free life.  

More than anything, I wrote “I Got Tired of Feeling Like Sh*t” as an accountability project, that hopefully gets in the hands of someone that could use it.  

It’s a journey, it’s a passion project, and it's real life.  

I’d love for you to find the freeing, beautiful life that I’ve found absent of alcohol.