Meet J Brandon Foster

I am a native Texan from Sweeny, about 1 hour south of Houston.  I live in Dripping Springs, Texas with my wife Erin and 3 daughters.  I left Sweeny for Texas A&M in College Station where I began my romance with alcohol.  I never intended to be an author or write a book, but my life circumstances have led me to publishing my journey.   After college, I just keep the college lifestyle going, but I convinced myself that it was “all good” because EVERYONE drinks.  Right?  Years came and went, and after a long and bumpy road drinking, and being “The Life of the Party”, I woke up one day and questioned if there was more to life.  I was convinced there had to be more than the perpetual cycle of drinking on the weekends, robbing myself of time with my family, productivity, and ultimately my own health.  

So I quit.  Cold Turkey. 

I was terrified, but determined.  I committed to 365 days of zero alcohol, and have never gone back.  Along this journey, I wrote this book, hopefully as an encouragement to others, as well as accountability to my commitment.  

I would love your support!

Notable Works

I Got Tired Of Feeling Like Sh*t

This book is dedicated to the many of us out there that want to re-evaluate our relationship with Alcohol. This is my journey that led up to me quitting alcohol for good. People need to understand that it’s OK to quit drinking and not have to be labeled an “alcoholic” or an “addict”. What if there are those of us out there that just want to maximize our full potential in life, and alcohol no longer lines up with our goals? 

This book is for us.

Upcoming Projects

Navigating the Professional Minefield Without Boozing

Coming in 2024: 

Have you ever told yourself - “There’s no way I could do my job without Drinking”? It’s a tale as old as time.  Long dinners with bottomless bottles of wine, airport beers, and let’s not even START with Golf Tournaments. 

It can be so overwhelming.  But it’s possible to navigate the professional world without drinking!  

We’ll dive much deeper into the life of an alcohol free professional in the fall of 2024.